About Science and Advance Scientific Journal

Focus and scope

Section Policy

Steps to take prior to a publication

Plagiarism Policy

Publication Frequency

Open access policy


Conflict of interests

Authorship changes

Item processing and shipping costs

Declaration of Ethics and bad publication practices

Focus and scope

The Scientific Science and Advance Journal (digital version) is the official scientific research organ of the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital, of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, of the City of Guayaquil - Ecuador, with a biannual periodicity. The Journal is aimed at the scientific and academic community, health sectors and the interested public in general. Its main objective is to disseminate and discuss advances in research and development in the different areas of Health such as medicine, medical informatics, Educommunicate in health, administration and health, through the publication of original and unpublished articles, with local or international relevance.

Section Policy

You will receive original manuscripts that must be accepted by the Editorial Committee for publication. All submitted papers must adhere to the formats described below, and will be subject to review by experts from the Editorial Committee to rule on their acceptance.
The primary purpose of this medium is to put original works in the field of medicine into consideration by the medical community, as well as to provide updated and relevant information for the area of national health. With this purpose, Scientific Science and Advance Journal will have the following sections:

  • Publisher (by publisher's invitation only)  
  • Original article
  • Review article
  • Clinical case
  • Letter to the editor


This section will be dedicated to the analysis and reflection on the health problems of the population, the different preventive and therapeutic approaches, as well as the progress made in the field of biomedical research. Editorials will only be accepted by invitation of the editor. Maximum length 2 pages and 5 references.

Original Article

Its content presents the results of original clinical or basic research. In original articles, the body of the manuscript must be structured in Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Maximum length 20 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables and 50 references.

Review article

It will be on a topical and medically relevant topic. Only review articles will be accepted by invitation of the editor. The main or corresponding author must be an authority in the area or topic being reviewed and must attach a bibliographic list of their contributions that supports their experience in the topic. Maximum length 15 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables and 45 references.

Clinical case

The clinical cases present a real case of a patient of the clinic. They must include an abstract in Spanish and English (maximum 100 words) in free format, introduction, case presentation, discussion, illustrations and bibliography. Maximum length 10 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables and 30 references. Most of the accepted clinical cases will be published in a supplement to the journal rather than in a regular issue.

Letter to the editor

It is an open forum for the expression of both private opinions regarding medical topics of varied interest, as well as the content of the articles published in our journal. Maximum length 1 page, 1 figure, 1 table and 5 references.

Manuscripts must be sent through the new electronic editorial system of the journal at the electronic addresslink for digital submissions where, first, the corresponding author must register as author or co-author.

Steps to take prior to a publication

The scientific journal has an electronic manuscript management system that allows articles to be sent directly through the web. The letter addressed to the Editor explaining the interest of the article must be uploaded to the system and, subsequently, the author himself will generate a PDF document of his article, which he will also upload to the system, review and accept.
Once the article is submitted, it is reviewed by the editor-in-chief, who will decide to which editor(s) it will be sent for expert assessment. This is a critical part of the editorial process. Thus, the original articles are very critically evaluated by experts (peer review) in the same area of ​​interest, in which the anonymity of both authors and reviewers is preserved. These experts are usually (but not always) chosen from the journal's editorial board. They analyze the weaknesses and strengths of the article, assess its interest for the journal and, usually, request multiple clarifications or modifications from the authors.
In a different letter, the members of the Editorial Board will express their opinion directly to the editors in chief and with their respective signature will reject, request modification, or accept its publication. With these evaluations, usually from two reviewers and sometimes more, the editor-in-chief will make a decision on whether the article is suitable for publication or should be rejected due to lack of priority. The editors will also attend to other editorial considerations (interest for their readers, previous publication of similar articles, number and type of articles pending publication, etc.). In case of a positive response, the authors must respond to all the evaluators' considerations with the pertinent changes in the manuscript or, failing that, explain very clearly why their suggestions are not taken into account. Usually, the modified article is sent back to the same reviewers who initially rated it for further consideration. Therefore, it is very important that the authors reply, one by one, to all the comments and also clearly indicate where changes have been made in the manuscript so that they are easily identifiable.
Many journals are now requesting further assessment by methodological and statistical experts. The process has a very variable duration, but the authors must wait for the letter (currently by email) with the first decision within one or two months. The time from referral to final acceptance is also highly variable, ranging from three to six months.
The time between acceptance and publication usually varies several months. The authors will have the opportunity to correct their proofs, which they will receive, not from the journal, but directly from the corresponding publisher. The time embargoes agreed upon in the dissemination of the data must be maintained before publication.

What happens if the article is rejected? The authors have put a great illusion and that is why they often feel misunderstood or treated unfairly. However, you have to resist the frustration of rejection. Only those who regularly publish scientific articles know how many times they are rejected and how, after incorporating new changes, they end up finding a journal that accepts them. This process, however, is very laborious and only known to the authors. It is always important to try to improve the article with the comments of the evaluators. However, the author himself, who by definition is also an expert on the subject, knows better than anyone the value of his contributions. Therefore, if he is convinced of his interest, he should not be discouraged by a rejection letter and have to try his luck in another magazine. Following the motto of some researchers 'keep fighting').

Plagiarism Policy

The act of copying the works of others without giving the corresponding credits is unacceptable behavior and cause for rejection for any type of manuscript submitted for publication. The Scientific Journal Ciencia y Avance includes in the editorial process the revision through software that measures the degree of similarity by comparing it with documents published and indexed in electronic databases and any Internet resource. The authors who are detected this action on a recurring basis will be studied by the editorial committee with the possibility of being banned from the journal.

Publication Frequency

The journal Scientific and Advance Scientific will initially be published twice a year.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global knowledge sharing. It is in the process of being indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ.


Authors maintain the rights to the articles and are therefore free to share, copy, distribute, execute, and publicly communicate the work on their personal websites or in institutional repositories, after its publication in this journal, as long as they provide bibliographic information that certifies its publication in this journal.

Licencia de Creative Commons

The works are under one https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Conflict of interests

Authors must describe any financial or personal relationships they have with other persons or organizations that could give rise to a conflict of interest in relation to the article being submitted for publication.

Authorship changes

It refers to the addition, deletion or rearrangement of the order of the authors. Before the publication of the article, the corresponding author may request the Editor to add, delete or modify the order of the authors. He must indicate the reason for the modification and send a written communication signed by all the authors certifying that they all agree with the modification. In the case of addition or deletion, the written communication must include confirmation by the author(s). Once the article is published, additions, deletions or modifications in the order of the authors are not accepted.

Item processing and shipping costs

The Scientific Journal Ciencia y Avance does not make any charge for the application, evaluation and publication of the submitted articles. The publication does not generate any cost for authors and readers, since the Editorial assumes the expenses related to editing, management and publication. Peer reviewers do not receive any financial compensation for their valuable contribution.

Declaration of Ethics and bad publication practices

In relation to possible conflicts of interest, the right of subjects to privacy and confidentiality, as well as human and animal rights as research subjects, the journal adheres to the "Uniform Requirements for preparing manuscripts submitted to the biomedical journals: writing and editing of biomedical publications" in the most recent version published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( http://www.icmje.org.) A copy of the informed consent will be requested in the case of studies with patients and clinical cases, as well as the approval of the Bioethics Committee of the corresponding institution in the case of clinical and experimental studies.