Walking test in patients with chronic respiratory pathologies
walking test, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oxygen saturationAbstract
The objective of the study was to determine the distance traveled in the walking test in patients with chronic respiratory disease at the “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo” from Guayaquil, Ecuador, during the year 2022. The study had a quantitative, non-experimental, retrospective approach, with a cross-sectional design, in which 40 patients included in the pulmonary rehabilitation program were studied during a period of 3 months. Data were collected on the distance covered in the walking test, the percentage of oxygen saturation, the Borg dyspnea scale value, and vital signs. The results showed a minimum distance of 240 meters and a maximum of 420 meters in the walking test. Regarding oxygen saturation, a range of 80% to 99% was observed. The Borg dyspnea scale, which ranges from 0 to 5, reflected a significant feeling of shortness of breath in the patients. Heart rate ranged from 80 to 132 beats per minute. The oxygen saturation results demonstrated a relationship with the distance traveled in the walking test, heart rate and blood pressure.
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