Comparative analysis of molecular techniques for the diagnosis of respiratory viruses: real time rt-pcr vs poct system of the hospital teodoro maldonado carbo of guayaquil.
Specificity; POCT system; respiratory panel; pathogen; polymerase chain reaction.Abstract
On the Ecuadorian coast, respiratory viruses cause around 20,000 cases per year; although Rhinoviruses are the most prevalent, there are also notable incidences of other pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, Influenza B and Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Globally, these viruses are one of the main causes of respiratory system diseases; to protect public health and prevent negative impacts on the community, it is crucial to understand how these viruses are spread, as well as to establish preventive measures and their mode of transmission.
Molecular diagnostic techniques, such as RT-qPCR and the POCT system, have transformed medicine and research, providing accuracy and speed in the detection of pathogens that affect the respiratory system, both PCR-based methods, allowing effective identification and management of viral cases in clinical and epidemiological contexts. Between April and June 2023, at the Hospital de Especialidades Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, nasopharyngeal samples from 60 patients were analyzed for the presence of infectious agents such as SARS-COV-2, Influenza A, Influenza B and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
Of the 60 patients tested, the results for SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza B coincided in both tests, with 13.33% and 1.67% positivity, respectively. For Influenza A, RT-qPCR reported 10% positivity, while the POCT system indicated 16.67%; for RSV, RT-qPCR revealed 20% of positive cases, and the POCT system 21.67%. In the tests performed, RT-qPCR achieved a specificity of 100%, and the POCT system 85.7%. Within our study, the comparison of specificity between the tests was essential to accurately determine healthy individuals, as high specificity ensures that negative results are reliable and truly represent the non-presence of the disease being evaluated.
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